We are people for whom discovering the world around us has become a way of life.
We have been traveling for many years, getting to know what is most interesting. By deviating from the usual tourist routes, we try to reach real places that are a picture of life in a given area.
Places where nature and man live in symbiosis and respect. We love meeting people.
With great respect for their customs, culture and religion. However, we often visit places far from human settlements, where the nature around us makes us rest and relax despite our efforts.
Discovering the most beautiful places and breathtaking landscapes makes
us happy and we want to share this happiness with you.
Tomasz Marek
From an early age, I was fascinated by the world.
I recall that I was curious about every road, the end of which I could not see, and while setting off by bike, I got to know what is behind the next bend.
The passion developed through numerous trips with my parents who infected me with love for the mountains and spending time actively.
I have to admit that during that period of my life I did not like to read much, but the atlas of Poland and the world accompanied me all the time.
In 2003, I graduated from the Faculty of Geography at the University of Lodz.
For two decades I have organized many trips of mainly active nature (hiking and biking) and my passion for travelling has turned into a profession.
I am a tour leader and tour operator.
I am happy to share my knowledge and continue my academic education in the field of Social and Cultural History at Glåndwr University.
Donata Marek
Trips and journeys are the meaning of life for me. Through numerous trips, I am discovering what is really important.
I find challenges in the mountains, setting goals, and I am fulfilling when reaching the top.
I am looking for undiscovered coves by the sea
and wild beaches where I catch every ray of sunshine lounging on the sand.
In the cities, I try to find the diversity of cultures and their inhabitants.
I love to wander leisurely through local bazaars looking for treasures among traditional products.
I am fascinated by the cuisine of the places I visit, where, away from tourist restaurants, I like to taste delicacies in the company of the local community.
I love hiking, biking and extreme challenges.
I have a parachute jump from 4000m behind me, and in front of me a balloon flight, and a bungee jump.